Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Divorce Pending?

Progress of sorts. Yesterday I signed, 5 copies x 85 pages, each one initialed, a finalized "separation agreement" that, pending approval by a judge, should become a divorce in the next 4-8 weeks. Normally this would be cause for celebration, but in this case, I was really signing my own financial suicide note. In their zeal to make this agreement as punitive as possible, Julie and her mall-rat lawyer never once stopped to ask whether I have even a snowball's chance of actually living up to the terms they wrang out of me in what amounted to a war of attrition. The short version is: Julie takes all of my money and half of my net income for the next decade, and refuses to give any of it back to the kids in the form of, say, money for college. It's basically all for her, plain and selfishly simple. Which is why her "of course the kids come first" line is such tired bullshit by now. I can't even stand to hear it anymore, which is why I signed such a disadvantageous document. Every divorced friend had the same basic advice: just sign something, doesn't matter what, get it over with, and move on with your life. Fine print: even if your new life is a penniless one. I don't see how I won't end up in personal bankruptcy court inside 5 years, but one of us had to break the impasse and move on, and I guess that's me. You'll excuse me if I don't pop any champagne corks at this time.