Friday, July 10, 2009

Holy sh*t, I'm divorced!

Although we signed an agreement in early May, it still takes time for it to be reviewed by a judge and finalized as a divorce. My attorney filed a request to expedite based on a. my serious health condition and b. my hope to get remarried at the end of this month, and it worked! I just received a copy of the judgment via fax a couple of minutes ago, and I can hardly believe it. Of course, it's all bittersweet: I am free of that unplesasant and uncaring woman (althoug have been for almost 5 years), able to move on with my life (including getting remarried to a wonderful, loving woman in two weeks time), but I'm also on a fasttrack to financial ruin, given the terms of the agreement. And already the bullshit around observing the agreement has begun: from the monthly support I pay her, Julie is supposed to provide clothing for the boys, but recently refused to buy them swim suits and athletic socks for their summer vacation (split, incidentally, equally between us and at the same place, one after the other), because those are "specialty sports equipment" and not "basic clothing." I'm sure the boys won't mind swimming in their underwear because their mother is too cheap to buy them swimsuits. So, as you she knows full well, I'll buy them suits and socks (and shorts, and the other things they need), and enable her to wriggle out of yet another obligation. Old habits die hard: both for her, and for me. But most of all, I have a piece of paper that officially frees me from this nightmare. And as the Who sang, "freedom tastes of reality." Yoohoo! And as my lawyer said, mazel tov on the wedding. Amen.